The 29th edition of the Festival of Health Communication once again brought together all the actors in the health sector: institutions, pharmaceutical companies, agencies, associations and patients… with, this year, ethics at the centre of exchanges!
In addition to conferences, debates and quality testimonies, it was an opportunity to discover no less than 70 communication or information projects concerning a health product, a public health campaign, a pathology, a training tool or a service for health professionals, patients and/or carers. Here is an extract from the debates, key figures and nominated (non-confidential) projects!
We’re all cognitive lazy people.
53% of French people share information without even checking it! With the advent of digital technology, social networks and other media of expression, it is easy to get lost in the flow of information, at the risk of feeding the « fake news »… In this sense, the following initiatives can be mentioned, aimed at better informing the general public:
- The Gilead Sciences Laboratory’s #passlemotpaslevirus (#spreadthewordnotthevirus) campaign, which has been running since mid-September, is based on a website with many testimonies and a relay on social networks, to inform people about living with HIV, change public perceptions and reassure and support patients on a daily basis.
- The website by Sanofi, which is committed to improving the management of patients with chronic renal insufficiency through information on the disease, hygiene-dietary measures, cooking recipes adapted from breakfast to dessert….
There is an asymmetry between caregivers’ discourse and patients’ understanding.
77% of doctors surveyed believe that the information given to patients during hospitalisation was not understood and 80% that it was not well retained and assimilated after the fact (according to an Odexa study).
To support health professionals in transmitting information and patients in improving compliance, we can cite the initiatives of:
- Phama Mar with its Bullet Journal distributed to women with ovarian cancer, combined with a web platform.
- Janssen who has carried out a national tour (in 16 cities in France) with his MICI&Moi bus to raise awareness of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases and help patients better manage their disease through thematic workshops.
This is also true in animal health! Indeed, only 50% of animal owners would leave the veterinary consultation having understood the information provided.
For example, the TVM laboratory’s « My Epileptic Animal » project. Through a consultation handout and crisis monitoring log sent by the veterinarian to the owner; and digital supports for owners (a Facebook community, a website and a crisis monitoring application), the laboratory helps health professionals and owners alike to improve disease management and compliance with their animal’s treatment.