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What to remember from CES innovations 2019 ? Our selection
Média animé par les experts de

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What to remember from Las Vegas CES 2019?

CES, the key event for new technologies, was held in Las Vegas from January 8 to 11. An exceptional show where we met many French people: the « French Tech » was widely represented with 414 companies including 376 start-ups. The 3rd nation behind China and the United States, with some great innovations presented. On the agenda: CES innovations on stress & sleep, digital health, baby tech… Review.

Stressed and exhaustion: the 1st CES challenge

How to respond to the issues of lives at 100km/h of consumers? Between stress and sleep, CES innovations have not been lacking. With innovations such as the UrgoNight connected helmet or the Muse headband, the consumer becomes an actor of his own problems and trains his brain. Hypnosis is also part of the game! The Hypnos mask of the Dreaminzzz brand allows you to reach a state of hypnosis thanks to luminous stimuli. As for sleeping well, CES innovations concerning snoring have not been lacking!

The wearable fair

Wearables objects also occupy a large part of CES innovations. Already strongly present in recent years, these devices address a number of issues. However, it is difficult to distinguish them. At first glance, all seem similar and measure the same data such as heart rate or sleep quality. However, Omron HealthCare’s HeartGuide model stands out with real-time blood pressure measurement. Chronolife’s jacket goes even further, offering the prevention of heart attacks through the measurement of multiple parameters.

Innovations in diabetes

2 CES innovations stand out for the diabetes theme:

  • Diabeloop an external medical device composed of 3 devices: a continuous glucose sensor, an insulin pump in the form of a patch. All this is linked to an application hosting the algorithm developed by Diabeloop. This algorithm allows real-time data analysis for the right dose of insulin at any time.
  • Lifeinabox: the smallest portable fridge ideal for insulin and other medication doses! With a 24-hour battery life and easy recharging, this innovation could change the daily lives of many people with chronic diseases. To come: a similar innovation for organ transport under the name « Life in a heart« .

BabyTech at the service of parents

The technology allows to monitor… but how far? Around babies, technological prowess is not to be outdone. The complete range of connected baby products can be found in the CES innovations:

– A connected sock by Monfoxy that analyzes the baby’s sleeping position and breathing. All this is accompanied by a device that will monitor the room environment: temperature, humidity level… A tool to reassure parents.

– A connected diaper by Gramedis, which even alerts parents at the right time by capturing urine and faeces in the diaper.

Nanit, a monitoring system placed above the cradle to observe your child from a distance and monitor his sleep. A real webcam above the cradle to keep an eye on your child.

– A connected bottle by BlueSmart, with a complete follow-up: from the quantity to the temperature and the duration of the meal.

Seniors: the objective of home support

Home care is the main objective of CES innovations for seniors.  Like La Poste and its « Watch over my parents » application, the « wearable » innovations for seniors are not to be outdone. Glasses (Abeye), belts (Welt), watches… all start to detect or even prevent falls for seniors! ISA by MintT goes further by offering its fall detection solutions for EHPADs currently under test in Belgium.

Telemedicine: Charlie & other connected tools

Telemedicine is also making its way… even within hospitals! It is the concept of Charlie: a medical and autonomous robot whose mission is to reassure the patient during his stay in the hospital by guiding him, but also to take measurements of blood pressure, temperature or heart rate thanks to the objects connected integrated into the robot.

Tech for pets

Our four-legged companions are also entitled to innovations! Among the quantity of connected collars that are simple GPSs, one of them challenged us: the wagz collar with its physical activity tracker, its temperature measurement and its GPS. The activity tracker indicates the ideal portion for the animal, and is connected with a kibble dispenser of the same brand.

Finally, nutrition can also be synonymous with pleasure! This is the philosophy of Veritable and its ultra-connected vegetable garden, because « to cook well and eat well you already need the right ingredients! »


Gadgets or real technological advances? Not all these CES innovations will necessarily find their place in consumers’ homes, but some of them could greatly facilitate their lives…

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