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Decoding new practices in health insurances sector
Média animé par les experts de

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Health insurance: a moving sector!

At the heart of current concerns, eating well and living well are everyone’s business! While these trends are reflected in the many innovations made by manufacturers, health insurances are also taking action. Screening the practices in health prevention of today and tomorrow.

Why are new practices emerging ? Focus on the French case.

Health insurance companies are facing a growing need for differentiation. Indeed, following the implementation of the National Interprofessional Agreement in 2016 and the so-called responsible insurance contracts, this is becoming a necessity for mutuals and insurers. This agreement obliges companies to offer complementary health insurance to their employees, with two consequences:

– Companies looking for the best complementary solutions for their employees, with particular health prevention concerns depending on the sector

– A public not affected by this agreement (retired, self-employed…) looking for an offer fully adapted to their profile and needs

Finally, the subjects of health prevention are essential: healthy insureds are more economical insureds!  Insurers therefore have a strong interest in focusing on health prevention.

Alternative medicine

A real underlying trend, visible in almost all structures. Consultations with so-called « alternative » or « alternative » medicine are now covered. Why? A real demand from insured persons for health prevention, and from Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), the leading cause of compensation for occupational diseases1. Some have even made it their specialty, such as the Cape Verde Mutual or Asetys.

Nutrition & dietetics

These themes currently concern nearly half of the contracts, with reimbursement of consultations of dieticians & nutritionists in general. This awareness of the need for « eating well » also leads mutuals & insurers to focus on the theme of balanced nutrition.

There has been an increase in the number of actions over the past few years, including:

Online applications or tools

Kidimiam, an early childhood nutrition support tool. This tool developed with « c-mon-assurance » and Dr. Pascale Modaï is specific to food diversification.

Vigisanté, a coaching application developed by Malakoff Médéric. This tool helps the user to achieve defined health objectives such as sleep or physical activity.

MAAF offers partnerships with two coaching modules: Linecoaching, a coaching specific to weight loss, and Therasomnia, a sleep coaching module


– « Health in your plate », a book produced by Harmonie Mutelle in collaboration with Michel Cymes. This book explains to the reader the basics of a balanced diet and offers a selection of recipes.

– « Lunch in my box » or « Dinner when I get home from work », books written by Malakoff Médéric.


These actions are not the only ones. Health insurances are now multiplying prevention, participation to « health » events and support in corporate wellness initiatives with the offer of training courses on health topics.

To go further than these health prevention measures, some complementary health insurance companies reimburse so-called « comfort » products such as food supplements, aromatherapy or phytotherapy products. Finally, we note that membership in developing sports clubs is supported. Still not widespread, these services could develop in the coming years.



  1. INVS Santé Publique France, Musculoskeletal disorders, June 2017

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