Média animé par les experts de
Bifipro ingredient Carberry

Bifipro: the latest ingredient of Carberry

At the HIE 2018 (Health Ingredient Europe) at the end of the year, the Carberry group launched Bifipro, a « protein » ingredient. This leader in the field of ingredients proposed a trendy concept for this occasion.

A reminder: what is whey?

First of all, let’s remember what the whey is. This protein comes from milk industy and is very popular with athletes. This ingredient is highly appreciated by athletes for protein supplementation


Bifipro, an ingredient with double benefits

Bifipro is a whey protein isolate with a particularity: it is derived from a milk fermentation process. It thus combines 2 advantages:

  • The protein intake required for sports products
  • Prebiotic properties of interest for intestinal well-being and a better digestibility

This ingredient is intended for a variety of uses: powders, drinks or bars.

The milk used is of Irish origin, from cows raised outdoors. A good point for a BtoBtoC communication with consumers with ethical and ecological considerations.


The use of fermentation to produce this ingredient puts it in the trend. It is estimated that the annual growth rate of the launch of foods and beverages with fermentation claims is nearly 20%1. A growth that is not insignificant and largely linked to good bacteria, or « probiotics » which are involved in these fermentation processes.


Reference: 1. Innova Market insight, 2018

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