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Discover Only, plant-based and dairy-free yogurts by Israeli startup Yofix
Média animé par les experts de

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Only yogurts by Yofix won PepsiCo’s 2018 European Nutrition Greenhouse prize!

After working with a mentor for 6 months in the PepsiCo incubator, the Israeli start-up Yofix won the €100,000 grant to support the launch of its Only yogurt range In addition to the recognition of the title, this award will allow them to consider the development of a complete range of products and their international launch, particularly on the European market.

Yofix has developed the plant-based yoghurt called Only on the Israeli market, enriched with probiotics and zero waste production processes.  [image_text1] They thus meet the growing demand of the market for vegan and lactose-free products.  Yofix stated that its objective is to offer « a new generation yogurt alternative that hits all the marks for flavor, texture, nutrition and respect for the environment« .

fofix yogurt yaourt végétalAccording to Steve Grunt, CEO of Yofix, « people are fed up with looking at [food labels] and seeing all kinds of ingredients that they don’t know ».  That is why they have developed products composed only with cereals, seeds, fruits and active probiotic strains.  They exclude all stabilizers, preservatives, colorants and added sugars.  Unlike most of its competitors, the startup does not use soy. After working on more than 100 fermented formulas based on natural ingredients, the founders of the Israeli start-up developed the « Bio 5 » formula. It is made of a mixture of oats, lentils, coconuts, sunflower seeds and sesame to reproduce the taste and texture of a conventional yogurt.



yofix yogurt

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