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Hello Joya: the benefits of hemp accessible to all - Culture Nutrition
Média animé par les experts de

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Hello Joya: the benefits of hemp accessible to all

Consumers are increasingly looking for a healthier life through a balanced diet. Hello Joya has understood this well by offering her hemp products. This young start-up aims to democratize the benefits of this long forgotten plant.

Hemp, a super food that meets environmental expectations

Hemp is a super nutrient-rich food. It is mainly its leaves and seeds that are consumed in the diet.

Its production meets major societal challenges such as organic farming, the move towards healthier food and the importance of plant protein intake. The crop is also very practical since it does not require irrigation, it grows quickly and structures the soil.


A wide range of products available from hemp

Through Hello Joya products, hemp is available in all its forms: protein, flour, oil, tea, energy bars, cosmetics… it is an ally for well-being.

Classified under three ranges, these products are intended for all consumers.

  • The Miam range is aimed at people who want to improve their diet with healthy and natural products.
  • The Boost range, it is more specifically aimed at athletes looking for performance, thanks to proteins, vitamins and minerals.
  • The Relax range is aimed at all those who are looking for something to relax and recharge their batteries, through teas, oils and balms.

hello joya bars

We tested it for you !

The editorial team has tested some Hello Joya products for you.

Hemp pasta received mixed reviews, particularly because of its original, slightly granular texture. On the other hand, the appearance and the atypical and pronounced taste of buckwheat flour seduced us!

As far as bars are concerned, opinions were also divided. The compact texture was not unanimously accepted. These bars stand out on the market with their very original and slightly sweet taste.

For the seeds, our experts reported that they lacked taste and did not bring crunch to a dish.

Finally, the herbal teas only had positive feedback !

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