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GreenOnyx returns to the fresh greens market (part 1/2)

Cet article est, de manière exceptionnelle, rédigé en anglais. Il a été écrit avec Tsipi Shoham, CEO et co-fondatrice de GreenOnyx.

In 2017, we introduced you the Food Tech project of the Israeli company GreenOnyx. The project: allowing home production of Khai Nam. Khai Nam, for those who forgot, is nothing else than Wolffia of the“duckweed” family. Thanks to a small machine, it consisted in self-procurement of this super vegetable which combines the nutritional virtues of dark leafy greens, like kale, and spinach.

Today GreenOnyx is back with a new Food Tech innovation: a vertical farm that produce all duckweeds, and Wolffia (Khai Nam) specifically, the “green caviar “of the family. We met Dr. Tsipi Shoham, CEO and co-founder of GreenOnyx. Here is an overview of the interview.

With GreenOnyx : a change of scale and design to enter the market

According to Tsipi Shoham, the idea for GreenOnyx came from her own professional experiences. Indeed, she is an expert in cancer research and especially immunotherapy. Her deep understanding of the immune system and its role in cancer development, led her to realize the crucial roles of key players thatexist in fresh fruits and vegetables in health protection, and more specifically in fresh leafy green vegetables. Years of solid scientific data have been accumulated on the subject. Therefore, she decided to become an actor in health prevention with a new food product. The first idea of GreenOnyx then came up.

How can we really deliver to people the fresh power of greens in a way they can really adopt it in their  daily diet?

GreenOnyx have chosen to focus on the experience and the story behind the product. So, the overall idea of the project was to serve the perfect value and the perfect customer experience. Hence the first solution of a home system aimed to offer the ultimate fresh quality at at the touch of a button, having an instant food experience with a wholesome fresh product, and they found the perfect plant and the perfect technology for this.

However, while people were excited with these wonderful fresh greens, they were hesitant to commit to such a device in their kitchen and asked to be able to buy it on a weekly base. GreenOnyx then realized that it could integrate its product into supermarkets and food service channels. It was necessary to change scale and design, and with further innovative deep technology they developed one-of-a-kind local urban farms that can deliver fresh packed, ready to use greens, “just scoop and use”, with four weeks of nutritional stability. Thus, consumers will be able to enjoy the same benefits as with the home system, and therefore unrivalled freshness.

The consumer’s experience at the heart of the project

Since last year, GreenOnyx has launched extensive market study, of thousands of people, in the USA, Europe, and Israel. This market research includes interviews and samplings in face to face meeting and tasting. All the reactions about the taste and the experience of use have been considered.

People are very aware of the importance to balance their meals with fresh greens

A solution based on real food – and not process goods – meets new consumer’s expectations.

Especially when it is combined with a ‘fast food’ experience.

This particular product experience was widely accepted by consumers. Indeed, they just needed to scoop and use the product. They didn’t need to wash or cut. They also gave good feedback on taste and texture. The consumers boosted their experience and balanced their meal in a fresh way. Several applications are possible with the GreenOnyx greens. As the veggie in breakfast, a side dish to lunch or dinner, in a snack, within sandwiches, or even desert (perfect with ice cream), jus scoop and mix, top, add, spread… As the taste of the product is very mild by itself while pronouncing other combined flavours and adding some texture, the adaptations are endless.

greenonyx baby

Kids love it and they ask for more. I want consumers to like it and adopt it.

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