Probiotics are a great success with consumers. After the numerous publications on microbiome involvement in different pathologies and on the asset of the few billion microorganisms that we host every day, Live Biotherapeutics pave the way for new treatments.
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CholBiom, a new range of probiotics on the market
Optibiotix Health offers a range of products to fight hypercholesterolemia. These natural products without side effects were proven clinically successful and are positioned as an interesting alternative to statins that are disputed. These food supplements combine vitamin B3, a red yeast rich in Monacolin K and especially the LPLDL ® strain, a technology that the company has recently patented. The launch of this range follows the approval of the probiotic LPLDL ® as Live Biotherapeutics on the pharmaceutical market and the agreement concluded by Optibiotix with an American pharmaceutical company.
In contrast to conventional medicines, Live Biotherapeutics rely on living organisms that implant themselves in our microbiome to allow us to benefit from their activity. The OptiScreen strain identification and development tool isolated LPLDL ® for its ability to act on cholesterol metabolism. The bacteria helps lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.
An example that reflects a global market trend
Probiotics were first put forward in our diet, by the health benefits of fermented food such as yoghurts or drinks. Then they entered the food supplement market and now the pharmaceutical market. Before being able to access these areas, Live Biotherapeutics are expected to show a well-detailed and clinically proven mechanism of action, like LPLDL ® strain.
As this example shows, the fields of action are widening, ArkoPharma and its Arkobiotics range launched last May a combination of 8 probiotics to fight chronic inflammatory bowel diseases while Optibiotix reaches an even different target. Since environmental causes play a role in 85% of cardiovascular risks, while the genetic field accounts for only 15%, the microbiome seems to be an interesting way to reduce these risks.
Whether in Europe, Asia or the United States, this type of food supplement have a real potential. Optibiotix is seeking to diversify the regions where it launches its range and has just signed an agreement with a major pharmaceutical company in Italy, Alfasigma. The company started to launch LPLDL® products in the United States, a choice that seems strategic since two out of five adults are affected by obesity in that country.
The main barrier to the development of the Live Biotherapeutics market remains legislation on living organisms and the reluctance of some specialists to accept the medicinal properties of these food supplements. The Food and Drug Administration in the United States has not yet validated probiotics as a therapeutic product, clinical studies are still ongoing although in the final stage.