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PeptAide, the new ingredient by BASF and Nuritas - Culture Nutrition
Média animé par les experts de

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PeptAide, the new ingredient by BASF and Nuritas

Nuritas, a unique platform for new ingredients

Nuritas was founded in 2014 by Dr Nora Khaldi to combine artificial intelligence with biology and discover new active ingredients. Its approach stands out because it uses algorithms to quickly reveal the expected beneficial effects of the molecules contained in food. The sources of information used on their platform are diverse (scientific studies, DNA analysis): cross-referencing and multiplying data allow a more accurate assessment of the molecules’ potential.  Nuritas’ strategy is to identify and unlock molecules in foods we cross every day, in order to isolate them as an ingredient.

Nuritas and BASF, an agreement between small and large to go further

When Nuritas concluded its deal with BASF, the start-up granted it a licence to market the peptides it would discover. In the same agreement, it was stipulated that BASF could also direct the start-up’s research to focus on strategic ingredients for BASF’s customers. In exchange, the start-up benefits from access to an international market since BASF is one of the market leaders in ingredients for human nutrition. This giant also gives to the small company the opportunity to go to the next level by supporting the scale-up, formulation and marketing of ingredients. This is a real boost for the company according to CEO Emmet Browne.

PeptAide, an ingredient for the sports nutrition market

This month, almost 2 years after the start of this collaboration, the first ingredient is released. PeptAide is a combination of peptides extracted from plants. This ingredient, whose efficacy has been proven through in vitro and in vivo studies, helps to modulate inflammation. It is intended for the formulation of products for athletes. They are often more prone to inflammation processes because of the physical stress they impose on their bodies. In concrete terms, PeptAide interacts with the release of cytokines, pro-inflammatory molecules of the immune system. This protein mix would contribute to the reduction of pain generated after sport. However, it remains to be seen in which product this ingredient will enter the market. It can be used in an energy drink, a protein bar or a powder, which are the classic products of the sports nutrition market.

BASF’s decision to invest in the sports nutrition market is not insignificant, since it is a dynamic market with strong potential. Discover 5 good reasons to believe in sports nutrition!

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