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"The Hive", this new PepsiCo strategic initiative - Culture Nutrition
Média animé par les experts de

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« The Hive », this new PepsiCo strategic initiative

The reputation of the American giant PepsiCo is well established. However, to increase efficiency and agility, the international firm invests in a company within the company by introducing Hive. This new unit (created in 2018) will make it possible to promote healthy confidential companies in which consumers are increasingly interested.

Health and ecology at the heart of our concerns

The ethical and environmental commitment of brands has become a priority for more than a third of French people1. It is in this context of societal change that the big names in the food industry such as Coca-Cola or PepsiCo are making their mark with new strategies. Surfing on the novelty and exclusivity effect of start-ups is one of these tactics and gives impetus to companies with rather standardized know-how.

In addition to benefiting from new technologies (pack, process, etc.), investing in emerging companies gives PepsiCo the opportunity to win over a new target of which it has only previously mastered insights.

HIVE, the new core of the PepsiCo reactor

healthy hive by pepsico

Founded in 2011, Health Warrior has built its reputation on strong distribution performance. A bold multi-channel implementation (coupled with a well-run e-commerce strategy) and attractive nutritional promises; PespsiCo needed no more than that to integrate the 100 kcal healthy plant bar specialist into its brand new incubator. Health Warrior and its protein snacking superfoods thus became the first members of the Hive unit.

The Hive will thus promote the development and growth of small existing brands in the PepsiCo portfolio. Maker Oats, Stubborn Soda and Looza fruit nectar drinks support this new growth strategy have recently integrated the incubator.

Who will be next on the list?

Source :

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